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Ledong displays modern agricultural achievements

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2018-09-27


Opening ceremony of Ledong's farmer harvest festival [Photo by Wu Hao/Hainan Daily]

Ledong Li autonomous county organized a farmer harvest festival on Sept 23 to showcase local modern agricultural achievements and display the culture and customs of the Li ethnic group.

Besides an opening ceremony, the activities of the festival also included a singing competition, an agricultural products trade fair, fun games and a rural self-driving tour.


Ledong's farmer harvest festival attracts many locals and visitors. [Photo by Chen Ruolong/Hainan Daily]

Local farmers displayed tropical fruits, specialties and handicrafts made of Li brocade, which not only promoted their products but also enhanced Ledong's reputation.


People taste tropical fruits at the trade fair of Ledong's farmer harvest festival. [Photo by Chen Ruolong/Hainan Daily]