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AI technology used in testing sweetness of muskmelons

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2018-10-15

An "AI melon store" equipped with high-tech feeling at the Haikou Jinpan Night Market attracted countless people on Oct 10. Customers are recommended to use a mini program in Alipay that is similar to face identification by scanning muskmelons to recognize their sweetness level.


Customers use smart phones to scan a muskmelon. [Photo by Yuan Chen/hinews.cn]

Each melon displayed at the store has a sign marking the sweetness level. With the AI technology, there is no need to use traditional methods like patting and listening to the melon to judge its maturing status. Customers can pick the melon of the sweetness they prefer. The shop assistants will also open the melon, and allow people to taste and verify the sweetness.


Customers gather to taste muskmelons to test the result of the AI recognition technology. [Photo by Yuan Chen/hinews.cn]

The idea of selling melons with AI came from the store owner Jiang Linbo, who was born in a peasant family and majored in agriculture. He indicated that his daughter inspired him the most. The girl is interested in botany and Jiang always uses image recognition applications to identify plants. It occurs to him that the same technology could be applied to fruit recognition as well.


Jiang Linbo displays AI recognition technology to his daughter. [Photo by Yuan Chen/hinews.cn]

Jiang also stated that farmers should take advantages of Hainan crops, ensuring safe management in planting and sale process. He will continue to use science and technology to promote fruits in his store and offer more convenience to his customers.