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Intl original cultural artistic works exhibition promotes Hainan's industrial integration

ehainan.gov.cn | Updated: 2018-10-31


The 2018 Hainan (International) Exhibition of Original Cultural Artistic Works, held in Haikou on Oct 27 [Photo/news.hainan.net]

Over 200 domestic and overseas specialists and nearly 50 mainstream media journalists participated in the 2nd Hainan (International) Exhibition of Original Cultural Artistic Works, held at the Hainan International Convention and Exhibition Center in Haikou on Oct 27.

The exhibition covered demonstration design skills and services, original cultural and artistic integration, innovation and development, Hainan's construction achievements in the new era, natural culture inheritance, design art and urban construction development.


Dance performance at the 2018 Hainan (International) Exhibition of Original Cultural Artistic Works [Photo/news.hainan.net]

The event aimed to boost cultural artistic innovation and industrial integration development while promoting the construction of Hainan's whole-island free trade zone and free trade port.   

The exhibition was sponsored by the Haikou culture, radio, television, publication and sports bureau, the Haikou convention and exhibition bureau, and the Hainan Display Art Trade Association. It has attracted wide attention and unanimous praise from society since its launch in June this year.

With the first event held in 2016, this year's series of activities focused on three fields including design skills, photography and painting.


Kohler's Night Laser Award Ceremony is held during the 2018 Hainan (International) Exhibition of Original Cultural Artistic Works. [Photo/news.hainan.net]