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Administration for Hainan tropical rainforest park launched

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2019-04-02


Zhang Jianlong (L), director of the National Forestry and Grassland Administration, and Shen Xiaomin (R), governor of Hainan, unveil the plaque for administration of Hainan tropical rainforest national park. [Photo/chinanews.cn]

The administration of Hainan tropical rainforest national park was inaugurated in Lingshui Li autonomous county on April 1.

The park, located in the central mountainous area of Hainan province, will cover over 4,400 square kilometers, around one seventh of the province's land area. It spans across nine cities and counties, five national nature reserves, three provincial nature reserves, four national forest parks, six provincial forest parks, and several State forest farms.


A map of the Hainan tropical rainforest national park. [Photo/chinanews.cn]

Li Jun, deputy secretary of the CPC Hainan Provincial Committee, pointed out that Hainan is home to China's most concentrated and best-preserved island tropical rainforests, which are rare to find elsewhere in the country. Different function zones will be marked off within the park, especially the core area will be circled by electric fences for strict protection.

Infrastructure and boutique tourist projects should be developed in harmony with the environment, and become new attractions of local tourism, said Li.

Li Chunliang, deputy director of the National Forestry and Grassland Administration, noted that the park will pilot a vertical management system, and carry out dynamic monitoring to preserve the integrity of its ecological system. An official website of the park will go online to disseminate rainforest information.