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Golden Coconut Awards

2019 Hainan Island International Film Festival (HIIFF) Golden Coconut Awards Competition Regulations

hiiff.com.cn | Updated: 2019-12-03


2019 Hainan Island International Film Festival (HIIFF)

Golden Coconut Awards Competition Regulations



Hainan Island International Film Festival (HIIFF) is co-hosted by China Media Group and People's Government of Hainan Province, under the guidance of China Film Administration.  HIIFF is dedicated to strengthening international film and culture exchange and collaboration, promoting innovative development in film industry, and fostering creativity in filmmaking. The Golden Coconut Awards is hosted by China Media Group. It comprises three categories: Feature-length Film, Feature-length Documentary, and Short Film. A jury comprising international film professionals will select outstanding talents and films for awards in various categories.

二、相关日程 Competition Dates

1. 海南岛国际电影节每年12月在海南举行。

HIIFF is held every year in December in Hainan Province, China. 

2. 第二届海南岛国际电影节于2019年12月1日(星期日)至2019年12月8日(星期日)在海南省三亚市举行。

The 2nd HIIFF will be held from December 1 to 8, 2019 in Sanya, Hainan. 

3. 2019年金椰奖竞赛报名日期为中国时间2019年10月12日21点至10月31日24点止。

Application for the Golden Coconut Awards will be open from Octorber 12, 2019 21:00 to Octorber 31, 2019 24:00 (UTC+8:00) .

4. 入围名单于11月公布,得奖名单于海南岛国际电影节举办期间公布。

Nominees will be announced in November, 2019. Prizewinners will be announced during 2nd HIIFF. 

三、参赛资格  Entry conditions 


Films meeting the following qualifications are eligible for Golden Coconut Awards Feature-length Film category:

1. 2018年8月15日以后制作完成的剧情片,且未以任何版本报名过本竞赛;

Feature-length films completed after August 15, 2018, and have not been submitted to previous editions of Hainan Island International Film Festival in any other form or version;

2. 在2019年12月1日之前未在中国以任何形式(院线、网络平台、电视等)公映或发行;

The work must not be distributed theatrically or publicly screened on TV or online platforms in China before December 1, 2019;

3. 片长不少于70分钟;

The minimum running time is 70 minutes;

4. 放映规格须为符合商业映演影院放映标准之DCP(Digital Cinema Package)。

Films accepted to the competition must be in DCP (Digital Cinema Package) format that meets industrial standard for theatrical screening.


Films meeting the following qualifications are eligible for Golden Coconut Awards Feature-length Documentary category:

1. 2018年8月15日以后制作完成的纪录片,且未以任何版本报名过本竞赛;

Feature-length documentaries completed after August 15, 2018, and have not been submitted to previous editions of Hainan Island International Film Festival in any other form or version;

2. 在2019年12月1日之前未在中国以任何形式(院线、网络平台、电视等)公映或发行;

The work must not be distributed theatrically or publicly screened on TV or online platforms in China before December 1, 2019;

3. 片长不少于70分钟;

The minimum running time is 70 minutes;

4. 放映规格须为符合商业映演影院放映标准之DCP(Digital Cinema Package)。

Films accepted to the competition must be in DCP (Digital Cinema Package) format that meets industrial standard for theatrical screening.


Films meeting the following qualifications are eligible for Golden Coconut Awards Short Films category:

1. 2018年8月15日以后制作完成的剧情短片,且未以任何版本报名过本竞赛;

Short films completed after August 15, 2018, and have not been submitted to previous editions of Hainan Island International Film Festival in any other form or version;

2. 在2019年12月1日之前未在中国以任何形式(院线、网络平台、电视等)公映或发行;

The work must not be distributed theatrically or publicly screened on TV or online platforms in China before December 1, 2019;

3. 片长不长于15分钟;

The maximum running time is 15 minutes;

4. 放映规格须为符合商业映演影院放映标准之DCP(Digital Cinema Package);

Films accepted to the competition must be in DCP (Digital Cinema Package) format that meets industrial standard for theatrical screening.

四、报名方式 Submissions

1. 报名参与竞赛影片需在2019年10月31日24点前在电影节官网注册报名,并逐项填写报名影片的必填项信息,并提供样片下载链接。

Applicants must apply online through the official website www.hiiff.com.cn before Octorber 31, 2019. Applicants shall fill out the application form and provide a downloadable screener link.

2. 报名表请正确填写,如有错漏由报名者自行承担相关责任。未完整及未准确填写信息的影片,本节有权撤销其参赛资格。待本节工作人员确认所有线上报名文件无误后,邮件通知报名者审核完毕,方视为报名成功。

Applicants should ensure that their application forms are completed correctly. Applicants will be responsible for any errors or omissions in the application material. Applicants submitting incomplete or incorrectly completed forms may be unqualified. Emails notifying successful submission will be sent to applicants after HIIFF staff check that all materials meet qualifications.

3. 本节仅接受在线样片下载链接,需符合以下标准:






The Festival only accepts downloadable online screener links with the following specifications:

a) the file must be in MP4 or MOV format, resolution must be above 1920×1080;

b) file size should not exceed 5GB;

c) watermarks are acceptable;

d) films must have English subtitles, unless all dialogues in the film are in English;

e) the screener must be the same version as the actual film. HIIFF has the right to disqualify films should there be any difference between the delivered film and the submitted screener.

4. 报名截止后,递交的报名将无权参赛,已报名影片不可撤回报名。

No application will be considered or accepted after the application deadline. Submitted applications shall not be revoked by the applicant.

5. 报名影片参加竞赛的申请人代表他/她已经通过影片版权所有人、创作人以及其他影片授权代理人的同意,并已经阅读、理解及同意条款。对于违反此条而造成的纠纷,本节不负责任。

By submitting a film, the applicant confirm that they have obtained consent from any and all owners, rights holders and assignees, creators and other authorized representatives of the film whose consent is required to submit the film to the festival, and to screen the film at the festival, and that they have read, understood and agreed to the terms. 

6. 海南岛国际电影节有权拒绝任何不符合中国国家法律和文化政策规定的作品。

HIIFF has the right to disqualify or reject any application that it determines is not in whole or part in compliance with laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China.

7. 海南岛国际电影节保留对本章程条款及其未尽事宜的最终解释权。

HIIFF retains the right to make the final decision to settle all cases not covered by the present rules and regulations. HIIFF decision shall be final.

五、评委及奖项设置 Juries and Awards

1. 评审委员会由海南岛国际电影节邀请国内外电影相关专业人士出任,与竞赛影片的制作及发行相关的人士不得出任评委。

Juries will be invited by HIIFF. Persons associated with the production or distribution of films in competition may not serve as jurors. 

2. 每类别入围者将获颁入围证书一份,得奖奖金须依中华人民共和国税法扣除税金。

Nominated films shall receive one certificate per film. Prize amount is subject to tax regulations of People’s Republic of China. 

3. 剧情长片终审评委会将由七名国际电影及文化界专业人士构成,并授予以下奖项:

An international feature-length film jury composed of 7 professionals from the international community of cinema and culture will award the following prizes


Best Picture, 250,000 CNY


Best Director, 150,000CNY


Special Jury Prize, 100,000CNY


Best Actor, 80,000CNY


Best Actress, 80,000CNY


Best Screenwriter, 50,000CNY


Best Artistic Contribution, 50,000CNY


Best Children’s Picture, 50,000CNY



Best Artistic Contribution shall honor persons contributing to the artistic merit of a film, categories include but are not limited to: costume, make-up, cinematography, special effects, sound, etc. Best Children’s Picture is aimed at encouraging quality films about children.

4. 纪录长片终审评委会将由三名国际电影及文化界专业人士构成,并授予以下奖项及奖金:  


An international feature-length documentary jury composed of 3 professionals from the international community of cinema and culture will award the following prize:

Best Documentary, 100,000CNY

5. 剧情短片终审评委会将由三名国际电影及文化界专业人士构成,并授予以下奖项及奖金:


An international shorts jury composed of 3 professionals from the international community of cinema and culture will award the following prize:

Best Short Film, 20,000CNY

六、入围影片 Nominated films 

1. 金椰奖竞赛入围结果将于11月公布,入围通知将通过邮件告知入围者。

 Nominees for the Golden Coconut Awards will be notified in November via email. 

2. 入围影片在海南岛国际电影节官方公布入围名单前,需对入围结果保密。

Nominations shall remain confidential until official announcement by HIIFF

3. 入围影片需按照电影节工作人员通知,提交相关物料(包含DCP、预告片、海报等),物料内容以届时通知为准。入围影片报名者需负担物料寄送费用,并确保物料准时抵达电影节办公室。

Nominated films shall provide relevant materials (DCP, trailers, posters) according to the list of requirements notified by HIIFF staff at the time of nomination notification. The submitters shall be responsible for the shipping cost and timely arrival of materials to HIIFF. 

4. 入围影片同意海南岛国际电影节使用于电影节宣传、活动及颁奖典礼等节目所需之入围影片文字、图片、音乐、影像等资料。

Nominated films agree to HIIFF's use of relevant materials (including synopsis, cast and credits, biography and complete filmography of the director, director’s statement about the film, photos of director and talents, etc.) for publicity, events, ceremonies, programs, and catalogues of HIIFF. 

5. 所有入围影片同意提供放映拷贝至2019年12月8日,使用于评审审片、影展戏院等放映,并无偿提供电影节公开放映至多三次。

Nominated films agree to HIIFF's use of DCP copies until December 8, 2019, for purposes of jury viewing, theater screenings, etc., and agrees to be publicly screened free of screening fees for no more than 3 times. 

6. 金椰奖标志提供入围及得奖影片使用于印刷品、网站或其它宣传物料,其它范围之使用需经海南岛国际电影节同意。欲使用金椰奖标志,须申请标准规格档案。使用本标志不得进行任何裁切或改变原始样式。

Logo of Golden Coconut Awards may only be used by the nominated films and awarded films in its publication, website and other promotional material. For other usage of logo, additional authorization from HIIFF is required.