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German crop breeder KWS to set up seed R&D center in Sanya

ehainan.gov.cn | Updated: 2020-10-16

KWS, one of the world's leading crop growers and seed producers, will set up a subsidiary in Sanya, Hainan province, as well as launch a center for seed research and development.

On Oct 13, KWS signed a cooperation agreement with the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Hainan Province, the Sanya Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City Administration, and Nanfan Science and Technology City at a ceremony that marked the third batch of key projects that were being collectively launched in the Hainan Free Trade Port (FTP).

"Hainan is a paradise for breeding, and as the world's fourth largest seed company, KWS has been committed to the research, development, production, and sales of crop seeds like corn, sugar beet, grains, vegetables, oilseed rape, and sunflowers. We hope to turn Hainan into a R&D center for the seed industry," said Zhou Wei, general manager of the China region of KWS's European subsidiary.  

"Hainan is currently vigorously building a free trade port and more policy dividends will be released, which drove us to invest," Zhou noted.  

The R&D center will settle in Sanya's Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City by the end of this year, Zhou noted, while also praising Hainan's business environment and local government services.


KWS signs a cooperation agreement with the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Hainan Province, the Sanya Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City Administration, and Nanfan Science and Technology City on Oct 13. [Photo/Hainan Daily]