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Asian Beach Games volunteers get slogan, logo, nickname

english.sanya.gov.cn | Updated: 2020-07-22

The slogan, logo, nickname, and theme song for volunteers of the Sixth Asian Beach Games were released on July 19 in Sanya, South China's Hainan province.

The slogan for the volunteers is "相约亚沙, 爱满天涯", which means "gather in Sanya and love the world," implying that volunteers from all walks of life are gathering in Sanya to promote the concept of "making volunteer services a fashionable trend," as well as to make athletes and tourists from all over Asia feel the enthusiasm, love, and warmth of Sanya.

The nicknames for the volunteers are "阿鹿哥" and "阿鹿妹," which take inspiration from the Eld's deer Yaya, the mascot of Sixth Asian Beach Games, and integrate the features of the local dialect. 

The volunteer logo is based on the emblem of the inter-continental event, adding a "love" shape to the design to mirror the volunteer slogan.

The volunteer theme song, which is themed around promoting the volunteer spirit of "dedication, friendship, mutual help, and progress," is created in the style of lyrical pop songs, which vividly demonstrate the demeanor of the event's volunteers.

The Sixth Asian Beach Games began to call on public submission of slogans, nicknames, and theme songs for its volunteers in November 2019, receiving more than 900 entries.

These works were reviewed by professional judges, and the selected works have undergone several modifications. 

As of the end of June this year, the number of volunteers in the two rounds reached about 12,000.


Dancers perform at the release ceremony of the slogan, logo, nickname, and theme song for volunteers of the Sixth Asian Beach Games on July 19. [Photo/Sanya Daily]



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